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It's interesting to look at your life, past to present, and think: "It has all led up to this...." And then wonder where it will lead to next.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Answered Prayers

Boy has this been a tough year. Toughest in my life I think. The dark times have been so very dark, and the good times full of depth and understanding I didn't even realize was lacking. There is part of me that would wish this year away. Put it far, far away into my past. But I also know it's not over yet and the past never stays there for long without haunting the future at one point or another. For now I simply try to get through each day as it comes, hoping for the best.

On a positive note, this time of transition is coming to a close. Aaron is officially selling his business, his new job is perfect for him (and our family) for the time being, we'll be moving into our new home in the next few days, and Aiden is enrolled in preschool and will be starting soon. To say I am excited about all this is an understatement. I am more... ecstatic. In my own currently reserved kind of way. :) 

It's quite miraculous watching as God answers my many years worth of prayers all in a few months, and seeing how He has been leading us all along, though my heart (and mind) doubted time and time again. Seeing how He is using some of the most painful times of my life, bringing healing and redemption, is humbling to say the least. It's not nearly as easy as I thought it would be to learn how to trust, to live in grace, and see the depths of God's love for us. Have you ever read those inspirational books about someone's life where you think, Gosh that person is freaking amazing, I could never be so strong and trusting? Well if their experiences are anything like mine, I can say that they are not that amazing, or strong, or trusting, they are simply experiencing a God-breathed life. It's still hard, painful, and even rather traumatic. But God is good.

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