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It's interesting to look at your life, past to present, and think: "It has all led up to this...." And then wonder where it will lead to next.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ask Away

If you want a life of comfort, a perception of security, and to feel in control... whatever you do, do NOT ask God to teach you. Seriously.

Of course, He has a way of making us want to learn, regardless of what that may mean. Just don't expect for it to come naturally or easy in any way. The truth is, even though we were made in God's image and we may think we want what He has to offer, it's simply not in our nature. Sin runs deep, clings to us, mixes itself into our innermost being, even defines us.

When we ask God to transform us, allow us to know Him, ask for healing... well, let's just say, in the process a big, fat piece of us get's ripped out. Slowly, painfully. Ask anyone who hase been through-- who is going through it (because it is unending while we are on this earth), and they will tell you it's worth it. Then they will tell you all these wonderful things you may have heard before. Things you may be numbed to, even annoyed by. They will say words like grace, peace, hope, love. Words we hear so often, but rarely get.

We associate grace with Mother Theresa, peace with Saint Mary, hope with President Obama, love with Brad and Jen. And we may think, how could I really be a Mother Theresa? Too lofty. Saint Mary is a figure of the past, a statue, mothers of God, pregnant virgins, these things just don't happen twice. Obama is an icon, a disappointment, hope full of holes. And let's face it, Brad and Jen are so over. You may walk away feeling frustrated, because another person feels so passionate about these words you can't understand. Words you might want to know, but can never seem to find the life in them. Then you may try harder. Determined that if you try hard enough you'll figure out the secret. Or you may give up. Convince yourself these things are unrealistic, and label those who claim them as fakes.

Regardless of how many Christian inspirationals you read, how high you lift your hands, how hard you shut your eyes, how low you bow your head, or how many hours of service projects you fill, these things won't get you anywhere. The only way to truly know and live grace, peace, hope, and love? It's simple. Ask God. Keep asking. Ask Him regardless of what that may mean and where it might lead you. He will answer. He will lead the way. I promise.

1 comment:

Vanessa Washburn said...

Some of God's answered prayers are really painful. If only it was easier for us to really learn.