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It's interesting to look at your life, past to present, and think: "It has all led up to this...." And then wonder where it will lead to next.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Whole New World

Today I registered Aiden for preschool and soccer. Wow. When did this period of my life start?! Well, technically, today. Maybe that's why it still feels so crazy. I am ridiculously excited about both of these programs for Aiden. He thrives in social and structured settings, so I think he is really going to like both soccer and preschool.

Today we went to see his class room. In the car he just kept saying, "I don't want to go to school! I want to go to the park!" Over and over. Then we got there. He got to press the buttons on the elevator. He got to meet both his teachers (very sweet ladies we both fell in love with right away). Then he got to meet the class room pets, Ruby and Max (turtles), and Danielle (huge white rabbit). Needless to say, when it was time to leave he said, "I don't want to go to the park! I want to stay at school!" Awesome.

As far as soccer goes, Aiden loves any excuse to run around and kick a ball, so this sport was of course a given. Although I have a feeling he'll be that kid who ends up chasing other kids on the field instead of the ball, and that he'll "share" the ball with kids on opposing teams, but I am ok with that. It's non-competitive so he'll be ok doing that for another year or two.

I am excited about having two mornings a week to help Aaron out and have some one on one time with Gabriel. Also excited about Saturday morning soccer games. Hello, Soccer Mom, here I come! Despite my occasional skepticism, I think I may be able to embrace this role. (Now all I need is a mini-van and a bumper sticker that says "I used to be cool.")


Nathan Thomas said...

Soccer moms ARE cool.

Vanessa Washburn said...

Nathan stole one of my thoughts but I'll say it anyway.

I would love to come to one of Aidan's soccer games. I can't wait for Haley to start playing so I can be a soccer mom. And I would love to have a minivan, only my bumper sticker would say I still am cool :) (or maybe it's ok, I was never cool)